It is important to see the most recent Pixel 5 from Google. Tops and foremost among the various features and benefits, the Pixel 5 brings the latest version of the Android operating system, Android 11.
The latest OS is a must for developers seeking early access to changes and new functions. Consumers also enjoy a comparatively cleaner build with fewer prying eyes among the many apps attempting to track your every thought and movement.
As expected, Prosary is pleased to confirm that the Pixel 5 operates with Prosary technology. The mere presence of a USB type-c connector does not assure proper support of USB specifications. In this case, the Pixel 5 works fine.
Plug in a Prosary smart charger, the charger wakes from OFF, and begins to charge the Pixel 5 same as any other. Unplug the phone, the smart charger detects the detach event, and the charger turns off, completely off, drawing zero power.